Esteban Bastida’s book, Parental Alienation Syndrome. Parental Alienation Syndrome. At the forefront of PAS denialism, will be on sale soon.

This work is the most specialised and complete treatise available on the subject, addressing its legal, psychological, sociological and political aspects.

The author, Esteban Bastida Martín, is a lawyer of the Madrid Bar Association and founding partner of Bastida Abogados. For more than twenty years he has been handling family law and criminal law cases related to family law, being a national reference in cases of parental alienation, domestic violence, false allegations of gender violence, child abduction, violation of human rights, as well as judicial errors and abuses.

The work is composed of three volumes.


Demonstrates with irrefutable arguments and reasoning that Parental Alienation Syndrome is a criterion studied and recognised by the scientific community, a legal criterion recognised by the European Court of Human Rights. Alienating a child to reject or hate a parent is a serious crime of psychological child abuse.

The process of alienation and its culmination is also a form of psychological violence against the parent rejected or hated by the child.

The work settles the controversies about the non-existence of the Parental Alienation Syndrome and the false allegations of gender violence. The author unravels and unmasks the fallacies of the gender ideologists, fanatical deniers of PAS. Esteban Bastida claims that citizens must unceasingly demand the independence of the Judiciary to stop the intolerable interference of politicians, judges, prosecutors and radical feminist associations, in the «exclusive» clinical field of psychiatrists and psychologists, the only ones with scientific authority to diagnose and therapeutically treat a minor victim of Parental Alienation.


Volume II shows how gender ideology influences justice, society and education. It shows how lawyers should act in court against PAS denialism. In this volume we find real cases of PAS, false allegations of gender violence and sexual abuse of minors, as well as national and international jurisprudence on this syndrome.


Volume III is composed of practical forms on PAS, which serve as a guide and aid to lawyers, in order to properly exercise the right of defence of the defendant in all Spanish courts, as well as in international courts.


It is psychological abuse that can be exercised by a father or a mother in front of their children to make them believe how perverse the other parent is, so that the child rejects or hates a father or a mother, and breaks the parental bond.


Isolation, control, uncertainty, repetition of the message, and emotional manipulation are the perverse manipulation techniques that alienators use to brainwash their children, and thus change their beliefs and feelings towards the parent they once loved.

The alienator isolates the child from his or her environment by telling the child that the other parent is «bad,» «doesn’t love him or her,» and «doesn’t care about him or her.» The child’s beliefs about the beloved parent are the same as they have always been, but there is no one to reaffirm them. The child responds automatically without stopping to think. It is repeated several times to break their resistance and get them to reacquaint themselves with the message.

Gender ideology aims to accommodate reality to its ideas. The lack of critical thinking leads to the repetition by a large majority of people of the same false discourse that this gender ideology has managed to insert into the minds of the masses: «PAS does not exist»; «It is a junk science». «It is a neo-chauvinist invention to mistreat women and cover up incest».

The reality is that PAS has nothing to do with male violence…».

The author urges the public authorities to provide real protection for minors who are victims of Parental Alienation, making clear the imperative need for a free, impartial and independent judiciary in matters of PAS.

A fundamental book for those who see how justice does nothing to help their alienated children; for those magistrates, prosecutors, lawyers, psychiatrists, paediatricians and psychologists who encounter these situations in the exercise of their profession. Also, for people sensitised against any form of abuse to which a minor may be subjected, and sensitised to males falsely denounced for gender violence.

Discover, “Parental Alienation Syndrome. At The Forefront of PAS Denialism”, a book that offers all the answers and solutions to effectively combat this human drama faced by minors, fathers or mothers rejected or hated by their own children and which is hidden by Spanish institutions.

A work created to achieve the justice that the Spanish Constitution guarantees us.
